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Time Out
Its been a long time since my last blog on ThinkMiracle. I needed a time out to stop and evaluate what it was for. So many people are...
Daring to Dream, Again.
This is my first blog for a long time. I don't need to earn money from thinkmiracle; it's a calling, not a business, so when I don't feel...
Things Happen For A Reason
We all have to remind ourselves of this from time to time. Trust, that sometimes you will not know why, but in time you will learn. Trust...
Be Strong ❤️
This helps me, read it out loud ( somewhere private 😊) IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on...
You Are Worth It ❤️
When times are tough, keep putting one foot in front of the other- keep pushing. These are the times we learn the most and the times that...
Our world is full of beauty and wonder. Its waiting for you to go and explore. Immerse yourself in nature, in new people, new culture and...
Rise Again
Like the sun or the moon, you will rise again. This time with lessons learned you will rise higher and burn brighter. Dust yourself off,...
You Are Enough
The best gift you can give someone is unconditional love. Let them feel safe to be themselves to know they are loved for who they truly...
Not in my wildest Imagination
When I am walking, driving, or obsessing over decisions big or small, I often speak to Jake. In the early months after his passing, I...
Think Miracle
Our thoughts really do become our reality. What we tell ourselves we can and cannot do has a great power few of us realise. thinkmiracle...
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