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Wellness can be defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, going beyond mere freedom of disease. It emphasises the proactive maintenance and improvement of well-being.  When we look after our wellbeing we feel good about ourselves, we live our lives fully and completely, we become positive about life and this reflects on our friends and family.


Wellness is characterised by a consistent, clear, high level of energy, emotional balance, a sharp mind, a desire to maintain physical fitness and a direct awareness of what suits our bodies, what enhances our health, and what our needs are in any given moment.  As a result the ageing process is slowed down and we can live a long and healthy life.


This section of the website will enable you to bring together and help you to explore and participate in three of the most important aspects to complete wellness. These are Nutrition, Yoga and Exercise.  Wellness can be defined as an experience or an exploration of what makes you feel good.


Without proper fuel our bodies will not have the energy to perform at their best. Without exercise our bodies become weaker and less active.  The journey through yoga encompasses so much more than the ‘asanas’ or the poses.  Yoga enables us to handle and explore our attitudes towards the world, ourselves, our concentration and helps us to meditate.  It helps us to understand why we resist and teaches us how to overcome our weaknesses.


The formula to wellness is a three step process


1. Following a healthy balanced diet

2. Participate in at least 20 minutes of exercise a day

3. Add 5 minutes of meditation and 10 minutes of yoga everyday


Trust Think Miracle you will notice a huge difference in your wellbeing.



Get real about eating

Being more mindful about what we put into our mouths is crucial. We need to think about where our food has come from, also, question what is in it. Generally, the more packaging, the less nutritious it is. There are no strict diets or rules here, just simple advice on how to eat the most nutritious, delicious food every day.

Summer Salad


Soothing mind and body

Yoga has become the watch word in wellness these days, however we don’t have to be bendy Instagram-yogis in fancy leggings. Here you’ll find simple postures rooted in tried and trusted ancient techniques we can all practice to improve flexibility, increase energy, expand our breath and relax.


Get moving, feel great

We now have many scientific studies which show that sitting for long periods is seriously detrimental to our health - both physically and mentally. Our bodies and minds respond to movement, we simply have to find something we enjoy - going to the gym, swimming, walking or cycling. Find some incentive here.

Swimming laps in the sea

Modern science and medicine has brought us so much in terms of eradication of disease and extension of life, yet the way we are living our lives is increasingly making us ill. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes are on the increase throughout the world, and these are known as ‘lifestyle’ illnesses we can do something about via the way we take care of ourselves. So, let’s do the best we can to eat well, exercise and manage stress - the good news is it doesn’t have to be anything complicated or expensive. All it takes is an informed, holistic and most importantly, realistic approach. 

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